Thursday, March 5, 2020

13 Things Only Children of Musicians Will Understand

13 Things Only Children of Musicians Will Understand Megan L. Musical families have a lot of funny quirks in common! Do any of these things sound familiar? 1. Family sing-alongs never stop! Whether youre getting together for the holidays or just relaxing after dinner, you can bet your bongos that your family will break into song. Singing harmonies feels as natural as breathing, and certain songs will always make you think of home. 2. In fact, sometimes family sing-alongs can get pretty intense. Dont miss your cue! Sometimes your musically talented family might get a little competitive or give you more criticism than youre prepared for. Just remember, if you have your sights on a singing career or other musical aspirations, your musical family will help you prepare for receiving feedback later in life. 3. You had a house full of instruments. There might even have been more instruments than people. Growing up in a house full of instruments sparked your passion for music, and helped you learn how to tune out a lot of noise along the way. 4. So naturally, you started learning how to play music before you could read. Is anything more exciting to a kid than a toy that makes noise? Nope! So its no surprise that you were fascinated by musical instruments and couldnt wait to get your hands on one of your own. 5. You got the good parts in your school plays and talent shows. You got your singing career started right with the solo in your schools musical, or you got to play the best parts in band. Your years of practicing music at a young age paid off! 6. You thought it was weird when you found out your friends families didnt communicate mainly in song. If you said something at home that was the start of a song, your parents would definitely sing the rest. When you found out non-musicians didnt always act the same way, you couldnt believe it. 7. You had a house rule against clapping on the 1 and 3. Unless youre polka fans, you just know this is wrong. 8. The junk drawer in your kitchen probably has rosin, some extra strings, a tuning key, or other pieces of musical paraphernalia. Other people have a tool drawer. In a way, thats what this odd assortment of music gear is. Its also not unusual to find random music stuff in your parents car, on the kitchen table, or tucked in to a bookshelf. 9. Your family has taken you to sporting events just to see the band at halftime. What game? Were here for the band. 10. You put on mini-concerts for your parents. Your parents were your first audience, and theyre still your biggest fans. As soon as you could play Twinkle Twinkle,  you were putting on a show! 11. Youve always joked about forming a family band. When you get so many talented musicians together, its only natural that youd want to start a band. 12. Music lessons were absolutely mandatory! Your family nurtured your musical leanings, and they knew that music lessons are the best way to encourage a young musician. You know the elements of music and music theory as effortlessly as the alphabet. 13. Your parents always encouraged you to follow your dreams. Your family understands how much music means to you, and they support you in everything you do. Lucky you!! Does this sound like your musical family? Share your stories in the comments below! Interested in Private Lessons? Search thousands of teachers for local and live, online lessons. Sign up for convenient, affordable private lessons today! Search for Your Teacher

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